Daily of the Month: Zusammenarbeit, Agile & Mehr

Daily of the Month: Zusammenarbeit, Agile & Mehr

powered by Gin & Tonic

Episode 2: GFK aka Gewaltfreie Kommunikation

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Vollständiges Info-Dok zur Folge unter:

Infoportal GFK

Gewaltfreiekommunikation definiert

Marshall Rosenberger Gründer der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation

7. GFK-Tag in Bonn

im Maerz findet in Bonn ein 'GFK-Tag' statt - ganz viele Trainer geben kurze Sessions in denen man die verschiedenen Aspekte der GFK kennenlernen kann:

Buchempfehlungen zu GFK von Markus Rossmann

Ergänzung für GFK Workshops: "Miteinander Reden" von Schulz von Thun

Agile Manifesto

Was ist ein Scrum Master

Wasserfallmodell für Software Projekte

Nächster Scrumtisch Aachen

Vortrag von Sebastian Dietz zu „Scrum in der Baubranche,

  • 10.02.2020, ab 18:00 Uhr

  • bei der Firma Carpus & Partner, Forckenbeckstraße 61,52074 Aachen

  • Abstract zum Vortrag: In an increasingly dynamic and volatile environment, also the construction industry is permanently exposed to change processes. Traditional methods of project management based on the linear waterfall model are increasingly reaching their limits, which is manifested, for example, by incorrect planning, missed budgets and deadlines. The culture and thought patterns in construction projects are often characterized by distrust, conflicts and legal disputes. Particularly in the context of the increasing shortage of skilled workers, the desire for harmonious and partnership-based business relationships as well as attractive working environments in the construction industry is becoming louder. In this context, the question arises whether the application of agile methods in a process of construction planning that is fundamentally shaped by creativity and thinking in variants could provide answers to the problems described. Therefore, focus of this event are collective considerations for a possible adaptation of agile methods to the planning phase of construction projects



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